Live Earth

Live Earth

Al Gore is putting together 7 concerts on 7 continents on 7/7/07. Billed as "Live Earth - Save Our Selves (S.O.S.)", these star-studded concerts aim to raise awareness of the climate crisis by broadcasting the concerts to every corner of the globe. In conjunction with the Alliance For Climate Protection, this day of music and action promises to usher in a new era of climate activism.

Parceiros e mais ONG (ainda não referidos no BioTerra)

1. Aude Aude, in an exclusive partnership with Live Earth, has designed a Limited Edition 100% Organic Bamboo tee for the promotion of the worldwide Live Earth SOS campaign launching on 07/07/07. The eco-friendly tees are made in Los Angeles, certified 100% Organic Bamboo and printed with organic, water-based inks. Live Earth, in partnership with Aude, has distributed the limited edition tees to the following artists and celebrities involved in making music history: Madonna, Sheryl Crow, John Mayer, Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Garner, Jessica Biel, Pharrell Williams, Lenny Kravitz, KT Tunstall, Kanye West, Snoop Dogg, John Legend, Kelly Clarkson, The Police, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Dave Matthews Band, Beastie Boys, Black Eyed Peas, Duran Duran, Foo Fighters, James Blunt, Linkin Park, Alicia Keys, Bon Jovi, Ludacris, Melissa Etheridge and many more…Aude is proud to be part of this important cause and historical music event! Go Green, support the Live Earth SOS campaign and order your men’s and women’s tees today on

2. The Climate GroupThe Climate Group is an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing business and government leadership on climate change. We are based in the US, UK and Australia and we operate internationally. The Climate Group convened last summer's roundtable discussion with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Prime Minister Tony Blair and a select group of prominent CEOs and business leaders from leading California and international companies to share ideas on how business and government can work together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The roundtable resulted in a historic cooperation agreement between the UK and California to advance the deployment of clean energy and clean technologies and a Leadership Statement on Climate Change signed by twelve of the participating CEOs.


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