Documentário imperdível- Carbon Nation

Documentário imperdível- Carbon Nation

Consulte todas as informações no sítio Carbon Nation- The Movie

Carbon Nation is a 2010 documentary film by Peter Byck about technological- and community-based energy solutions to the growing worldwide carbon footprint. The film is narrated by Bill Kurtis.

Rather than highlighting the problems with use of fossil fuels, Carbon Nation presents a series of ways in which the 16 terawatts of energy the world consumes can be met while reducing or eliminating carbon-based sources. It contains optimistic interviews with experts in various fields, business CEOs, and sustainable energy supporters to present a compelling case for change while having a neutral, matter-of-fact explanation.

Among those interviewed are Richard Branson, former CIA Director R. James Woolsey, Earth Day founder Denis Hayes and environmental advocate Van Jones.


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