Breathing Earth * Terra Respira ?
Breathing Earth -
é uma simulação visual, em tempo real, das taxas de emissão de CO2, taxas de nascimento e de morte de cada país no mundo.Passa o rato por cima de um país para saberes mais informação
A Beleza Da Nossa Terra
Imagem daquiBelíssimo vídeo Breathing Other World em "timelapse" de Carlos Dias, filmado em Portugal e Espanha, entre março 2013 e agosto 2014. Não bastam os olhos para ver a beleza, é preciso também a alma. Locais: Portugal - Parque...
Como Ver Todas As Crateras De Meteoritos No Google Earth (instruções Em Inglês)
Over the last few millions of years the Earth has had quite a few impacts from meteors, asteroids, and maybe even pieces of comets. Scientists have confirmed 172 locations on the Earth determined to be “impact structures”. In fact, the leading theory...
Prefab Sprout: Earth The Story So Far
Welcome to Earth, the story so far, the story so far At first there was a vaccum where creation came to be singing save me, save me Were we abandoned in the ether or did someone set us free? Love me, love me. Earth, Earth, the story so far There was...
Investigador Em Astrobiologia E Endosimbiose Inauguram Uma Hipótese Muito Provável Acerca Da Evolução Da Vida Na Terra
Published By MattOn: 07 September 2009 8:26 AM CEST Source Humans might not be walking on Earth today if not for the ancient fusing of two microscopic, single-celled organisms called prokaryotes, NASA-funded research has found. By comparing...
Brian Eno - Just Another Day
Oh it's just another day, It's just another day on Earth Oh it's just another day on Earth It's just another day on Earth One day, we will put it all behind, We'll say, that was just another time, We'll say, that was just another...