Estudo demonstra que a Europa e Norte de África poderão possuir 100% de energias renováveis até 2050
Imagem daqui100% Renewable Electricity – A roadmap to 2050 for Europe and North Africa, a report prepared by the European and international climate experts at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, the European Climate Forum, the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and the International Institute for Applied System Analysis, examines the potential for powering Europe and North Africa with renewable electricity exclusively by 2050 and the opportunities this transformation to the power sector presents. The study provides policy makers and business leaders with clear direction and a step wise approach on how to achieve the 2050 vision.
The study looks at the market in terms of financial, infrastructure and government policy milestones for policy makers and business to answer the “what if” question. The roadmap addresses four critical areas of intervention: Policy, Markets, Investments and Infrastructure and looks at the ability to foster a stable, long term and transparent regulatory framework that will promote confidence with investors and enable the build-up of the required supply chain and grid infrastructure.
Análise do relatório explicado aqui, em Inglês.
Descarregue o Relatório, clicando aqui (pdf,144 pág):100 Percent Renewable Electricity
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· stop...