WWF - I am nature (video)

WWF - I am nature (video)

In I AM NATURE we reflect on the nature of us. Right now and in the moment. Not by the number of likes on our Facebook pages and not by the unopened mails in our in-boxes but rather through the art of personal reflection. WWF aims its message directly to you, personally and direct. The viewer is pulled in by the powerful symbolism and imagery of the story, shown here in reverse. 

The film brings to life the still and natural beauty of nature and reminds us to take a step away from the hectic of everyday life. It awakens our born and inherited love of the outdoors. 

“I am Nature” is you. Is us. Make a change and get out there! We are happy to have been able to support in the making of this thought provoking film with wire removal, VFX, composting and online.


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