Uma colecção de testes sobre Psicologia, Personalidade e Biologia Humana muito interessantes pela BBC

Uma colecção de testes sobre Psicologia, Personalidade e Biologia Humana muito interessantes pela BBC

Explore your memory
Explore your memory
Stretch your memory with fun challenges designed by experts.
Duration: 20 minutes
Art and personality
Art and personality
Is there a connection between your personality type and the art that you like? Duration: 15 minutes
Sex ID
What sex is your brain?
Take the Sex ID test and find out more about 'brain sex' differences.
Duration: 20 minutes
Do you see what I see?
The 'Do you hear what I hear' experiment
Do you see what I see? (Sagiv and Ward, UCL)
Is Wednesday red? Take part in our experiment to test whether your senses overlap. Requires Flash 5
Duration: 10 minutes
Do you hear what I hear?
The 'Do you hear what I hear' experiment
Do you hear what I hear? (Sagiv and Ward, UCL)
Do melodies have a colour? Take part in our experiment to test whether you hear colours. Requires Flash 5
Duration: 10 minutes
The 'What am I like?' personality test
The 'What am I like?' personality test
The What am I like? personality test
A test where you discover if you are a Big Thinker, an Idealist or another of 16 personality types.
Duration: 10 minutes
Eggs in human mouth
Disgust (Dr Valerie Curtis)
What makes you squirm and say yuck? Test your sensitivity to disgust.
Duration: 10 minutes
Friendly smile
Spot the fake smile (Prof Paul Ekman)
Can you tell a real smile from a fake one? Requires Flash 6.
Duration: 10 minutes
Shopping list
Shopping list
Memory training
Try to improve your recall using World memory champion Andi Bell's technique. Requires Flash 5.
Duration: 5-10 minutes
Changing faces
Face perception (Prof David Perrett)
Can you guess someone's personality from their face?
Duration: 1st Experiment - 12 minutes
Duration: 2nd Experiment - 5 minutes
Brain scan
Personality (Neil Scott)
Who do you think you are? This psychology test scores you on five aspects of your personality.
Duration: 15 minutes
Scales of justice
Morals (Dr Keith Coaley)
Are you a pillar of society, or do you look after number one? Find out how moral you are.
Duration: 12 minutes
Lovers kiss
Lonely hearts (Prof Robin Dunbar)
Make your lonely hearts advert to reveal the hidden message of attraction.
Duration: 2 minutes
Pile of money
Millionaire (Sharon Maxwell Magnus)
Have you got what it takes to get to the top of the pile and stay there?
Duration: 1st test - 4 minutes
Duration: 2nd test - 2 minutes
Careers (Neil Scott)
What style of work suits your personality?
Duration: 10 minutes
Sensation seeking (Prof Marvin Zuckerman)
Find out if you're a thrill-seeker in this classic psychological test.
Duration: 12 minutes
Clutch of cards
Self-control (Paul Rincon)
Are you a slave to your habits? Test your self-control against the rest of the nation.
Duration: 7 minutes
Perfectionism (Dr Randy Frost)
Do your friends tell you you're fussy and meticulous? Find out if you're a perfectionist.
Duration: 10 minutes
Sybols of attraction
Adultery (Dr Glenn Wilson)
Are you at risk of having an affair?
Duration: 10 minutes
Sniffing the decades (Dr Alan Hirsch)
Can scientists predict your childhood decade from the smells you find nostalgic?
Duration: 3 minutes
Necker cube
Necker cube (Dr Peter Naish)
Do your friends tell you you're fussy and meticulous? Find out if you're a perfectionist.
Duration: 10 minutes


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