The Art of Arctic Destruction (Greenpeace) - Bailado alertando o público para o problema ambiental no Árctico

The Art of Arctic Destruction (Greenpeace) - Bailado alertando o público para o problema ambiental no Árctico

Just before the beginning of the concert «Classical Highlights» on Saturday 19 October 2013 in Zurich’s Tonhalle a Greenpeace ballet dancer premières her own interpretation of the in oil mud dying swan. Background is the sponsoring by the Russian energy company Gazprom that puts life substance of many humans and animals in the arctic at risk. The credits of the projection carry the message «The Art of Arctic Destruction – sponsored by Gazprom» and reveal that the «Classical Highlights» are sponsored by one of the biggest destroyer of the environment. Gazprom plans to drill for oil in the Arctic.


- Greenpeace
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