Ten Tips for First Timers Nudist

Ten Tips for First Timers Nudist

1. For your first time, go to a naturist resort (i.e. one which is set in wide, open natural surroundings) - possibly a campsite with caravan and cabin stay. The great thing about these is that they are relaxed, with plenty of privacy when required, and they generally have a central area with spas and seating where you can relax, socialise, and be among like-minded people. Spend a bit ofMONEY and go somewhere nice. This trip will set the tone of all your future nudist endeavours. You only have your first time once, so make it good!

2. Go somewhere at least a few hours drive from where you live. There are two reasons for this. (1) It lessens the chance of your seeing anyone you know - it's much easier to strip for the first time with only strangers around (trust me - any nudist will agree). Also, (2) it lets you feel that you are away from all the daily stresses and conventions of life. This should be a vacation, and a vacation is much moreFUN when you actually vacate your usual haunts. Also, you'll be more inclined to follow through if you make the whole experience into an adventure.

3. This one's for the nervous men out there. Guys, I know what you're thinking, and it involves the behaviour (or lack thereof) of your pee-pee. Let me reassure you…you will not spend your entire visit to a nudist/naturist resort with an erection. Believe me, you are no more likely to be erect after you've disrobed than you are walking around in your suit-and-tie. Granted, you may very occasionally become semi-erect (or even fully erect), but no more so (and probably less) than you would in fully clothed circumstances. So stop worrying about it. It simply will not be a problem. Any nudist will back me up on this one.

4. Take a "security blanket". Your "security blanket" is something non-obtrusive which you can discretely use to cover your genitals. You won't actually use it, but it'll make you feel a bit better during your first five minutes of nakedness. For my first time, I took a guitar, which I could kneel down over and play (thereby covering some key areas of my body) if required. Some other forms of a "security blanket"' could be a towel (not worn, but carried), a big satchel, a large cooler box, a deck chair, or a picnic blanket. I'm sure you can think of something.

5. Flirting/being flirted with can be uncomfortable or intimidating even when clothed. When you're naked, it can be even worse. As any experienced nudist will tell you, nudism has nothing to do with sex, and flirting with strangers is frowned upon. FeelFREE to be affectionate with your established partner, but please respect others' desire to be comfortable. If someone is flirting with you and you are feeling uncomfortable, do something about it, which makes it clear that his/her attentions are not welcome. If you feel like you are being harassed let the owners or staff know, and they will deal with the problem. This said, neither my partner nor I have ever encountered this. Apparently, it is more likely to happen on nudist beaches (which are free-to-access by all kinds of people, including gawkers - clothed individuals who like looking at nude people). That's why we only go to places which are somewhat out of the way (in terms of location), and where you have to pay to stay.

6. Pack at least two items of clothing: a comfy, button-up long-sleeved shirt (casual flannel is fine) and a pair of slops (or thongs, as they are sometimes called). I also usually take a jersey and a pair of sunglasses.

7. Two words: sun cream.

8. Two more words: insect repellent.

9. And two more. Bring book. Um, ok, maybe the concept needs a few more words to be fully articulated, so here goes. You are probably going to spend a fair amount of time sitting in the sun and reading. To do this, you will probably need reading material. I usually bring several books and magazines, but I am something of a readaholic.

10. Don't try to loose 3kg off your buttocks/wax your pubic region into a perfect "v"/madly exfoliate your buttocks just because you will be going naked in front of strangers. Believe it or not, nobody will care how you look (except for commenting on that interesting piercing), and you will find that body shape, size or texture will cease being important in your interaction with others. I'm sure a psychologist could explain this phenomonon, but I'm not a psychologist. All I know is that this is very true - being naked makes all of these issues…unimportant. You'll see. 

Fonte: Nudist Society


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