Quando éramos peixes

Quando éramos peixes

A lungfish.

Recuando muito atrás, uns meros 450 milhões de anos (em relação à capacidade de marcha) nascemos de peixes e há um que comprova essa evolução! E curiosamente trata-se de um peixe-gato africano!! E saber que já fomos ditadores, monarcas, narcotraficantes, ecologistas, vilões e etc...e numa época algures nos 65 milhões se extinguiram dinossaurios e estamos cá como consequência disso.Leiam toda esta interessante e marcante descoberta neste artigo da National Geographic,13 Dezembro 2011, em inglês.

While other fish are known to stroll—and some even have "hands" (pictures)—this is the first time the behavior has been seen in a fish related to the first land-walkers. The find could mean that our ability to walk originated underwater, researchers say.
(Related pictures: "Walking Fish a Model of Evolution in Action.")
In the lungfish, "this ability is surprising, because lungfish don't have feet!" study leader Heather King said via email.
Based on observations of the fish's movements in glass tanks in the lab, the study showed the lungfish were able both to push off a solid surface and move along it using their pelvic fins. (Watch a brief video of the lungfish walking.)
"We found that the lungfish uses a range of gaits, from walking (alternating the limbs) to bounding (moving the limbs synchronously)," said King, a biologist studying at the University of Chicago, who collaborated with past National Geographic Committee for Research and Exploration grantee Neil Shubin on the study. (The National Geographic Society owns National Geographic News.)
(Related: "Fossil Fish With Limbs Is Missing Link, Study Says.")


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