Patrick Wall- We cannot force-feed EU citizens with GM food

Patrick Wall- We cannot force-feed EU citizens with GM food

We cannot force-feed EU citizens with GM food

Interview with Professor Patrick Wall
Former Chair
European Food Safety Authority

Recorded 2 December 2008
download transcript • press release

Part 1/3: Click here or watch below (8:18):

Part 2/3: Click here or watch below (9:58):

Part 3/3: Click here or watch below (8:24):
Professor Patrick Wall (MB, BOA, BCh, MVB, MBA, MRCVS) was the Chair of the European Food Safety Authority Management Board from September 2006 - June 2008. EFSA ( is the EU Agency mandated by the European Commission to provide its opinion on the safety of conventional and genetically modified animal feed and food for the entire food and feed supply chains, and on issues directly impacting on these such as animal welfare, animal health and plant health.

Prof. Wall is Associate Professor of Public Health in University College Dublin's School of Public Health and Population Sciences ( which hosts the National Nutrition Surveillance Centre ( His teaching and research interests include food borne diseases, lifestyle related diseases and health damaging consumer behaviour. He is a co-director of the UCD Centre for Behaviour and Health ( He was the first Chief Executive of the Irish Food Safety Authority ( which is currently run by Dr. John O'Brien, a former Director of the biotech industry lobby group, International Life Sciences Institute! Prof. Wall was one of seven non-Chinese nationals on the committee overseeing food safety arrangements for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. He is also the Chairperson of the (Irish) Mental Health Commission's Research Committee, and is a member of the Food Safety Authority of Ireland's Healthy Eating Guidelines steering committee.

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