Nanotecnologias: vantagens e perigos

Nanotecnologias: vantagens e perigos

Sítios sobre nanotecnologias

Nanotechnology Now
Foresight Institute
Kurzweil AI
International Risk Governance Council
The Nanoethics Group
NanoTechnology Group
International Nanotechnology and Society Network

Accelerating Future
Advanced Nanotechnology
Adventures in Ethics and Science
amor mundi
blog :: nanopublic

Doc Searls Weblog
Ethical Technology
Event Horizon
Fight Aging!
Future Feeder
Lawrence Lessig
Nanotech Buzz
Nanotech Spotlight
Nanotechnology Development
Nanotechnology Law
Open the Future
Our Technological Future
Roland Piquepaille Tech Trends
Sentient Developments
Software Control of Matter
The Intersection
The Scientific Activist
The Speculist
The Technoprogressive


- Um Documentário Bestial - A Beastly Documentary
Filme sobre a violência, a crueldade, a tradição, a ciência e o futuro das touradas Movie about violence, cruelty, tradition, science and future of bullfighting  FESTROIA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL 2013, AMERICAN BEHAVIOUR SOCIETY FILM FESTIVAL...

- Food Industry 'too Secretive' Over Nanotechnology
Comment from Patrick Mulvany, Co-chair UK Food Group, Friday, January 8, 2010 As warned in my New Year message, industry is pushing hard for greater control over the food system. Beyond GMOs, proprietary nanotechnologies and synthetic biology will confer...

- Biotechnology Can Cut Co2 Emissions & Help Build Green Economy
Written by Zachary Shahan Published on September 19th, 2009 A new report released by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) says that biotechnology is one possible solution to our climate change and our economic problems.It could have a dramatic effect on...

- Dossier Agricultura Sustentável
ATENÇÃO © Copyleft - Permito a livre  reprodução exclusivamente para fins não comerciais e desde que o autor e o BioTerra sejam citados Não esqueças de visitar regularmente este espaço para manteres-te actualizado...

- Documentário Da Semana- Genetic Roulette
Here two sites with same video due to prevent someone close their account. - 'Genetic Roulette, the Gamble of our Lives' [Jeffrey M Smith] When the US government ignored repeated warnings by its own scientists and allowed untested...

