Kill Your Sons

Kill Your Sons

"A million kids can be killed in one second as we are wondering what to do. So we can’t just sit and meditate. We should IMAGINE PEACE day and night, as we go about our daily lives [...] I would like to share an affirmation with you. Now say it in your mind with the firm belief that we are one, and together. We’ll make it."- mensagem de Yoko Ono, Dia Internacional da Mulher.

Lou Reed- Kill Your Sons 

Creedmore treated me very good
but Paine Whitney was even better
And when I flipped out on PHC
I was so sad, I didn't even get a letter
All of the drugs, that we took
it really was lots of fun
But when they shoot you up with thorizene on crystal smoke
you choke like a son of a gun

Lou Reed and Yoko Ono you are right.
Sítio do dia
Imagine Peace


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