Hoje celebro 40 anos de vida!

Hoje celebro 40 anos de vida!

E partilho convosco a canção Swimming Horses da Siouxsie.É um poema, uma música e um video que me dizem muito.A primeira vez que a ouvi, fiquei hipnotizado.E estamos a falar há cerca de vinte anos.Ainda era o tempo do walkman e das cassetes e levava-o para sítios lindos,com esta canção incluída e partilhavamos juntos estes momentos...onde a mensagem Natureza, panteísmos e outros sentimentos de Poesis estava em força, límpida e em prece.

Siouxsie and the Banshees - Swimming Horses

Swimming Horses

falling in your, falling in your arms
fish on a line, learns to live on dry land
thrown back again to drown
kinder with poison
than pushed down a well - or a face burnt to hell
feel the cruel stones breaking her bones
dead before born
words fall in ruins - but no sound
she's dying of your shame - she maimed by your paw
he gives birth to swimming horses
fish on a line, walking on dry land
but, back in the water to drown we drown
floating in sky
he gives birth to swimming horses
take a ride on the tide with the assassin at your side
the weightlessness under water -- forgets in slow motion
and washes pointless tortures
he gives birth to swimming horses
floating in sky like fishes can fly through your arms

Album: Hyaena
From: 1984 Geffen
Siouxsie video from 1984 includes Robert Smith from when he was a Banshee


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