Filme Documentário: GasLand e como a água da torneira deita fogo !

Filme Documentário: GasLand e como a água da torneira deita fogo !

gasland burning tap water photo
Image: Gasland

Burning Tap Water and More: GASLAND Exposes the Natural Gas Industry
by Michael Graham Richard, Ottawa, Canada on 25.06.10

What the frack?
In 2008, Josh Fox received a letter from a natural gas company. They were interested in leasing land owned by his family to do natural gas drilling. The offer was for $100,000, but instead of taking the money, Josh decided to do some research on the natural gas industry and ended up making a documentary called GASLAND. It focuses on the impact that modern natural gas extraction, which primarly uses hydraulic fracturing( aka fracking), has on communities and the environment. Check out the trailer below, it's pretty good.
Fox then set out to see how communities are being affected in the west where a natural gas drilling boom has been underway for the last decade. He spent time with citizens in their homes and on their land as they relayed their stories of natural gas drilling in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah and Texas, among others. He spoke with residents who have experienced a variety of chronic health problems as well as contamination of their air, water wells or surface water. In some instances, gas companies are replacing the affected water supplies with bottled water. (source)

For more information about what fracking is, check out the film's website FAQ page.

Alberta EnCana Water on Fire photo

Photo by Will Andruschack.
The photo above is from a post I did a couple years ago. This woman is from Alberta, Canada. Check it out: Alberta Oil & Gas Collateral Damage: She Can Light Her Water on Fire


Gasland: A film by Josh Fox

More on Gas Fracking
ProPublica on Fracking, the Marcellus Shale and Natural Gas
Hydraulic Fracturing For Natural Gas Development Gets Added Regulatory Scrutiny
Fracking Is Finally Getting Some Attention and Regulation


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