Europeus estão contra a Construção de novas Centrais Nucleares - Assinem a Petição

Europeus estão contra a Construção de novas Centrais Nucleares - Assinem a Petição

A WISE pretende atingir um milhão de assinaturas... e ainda vamos a tempo: esta petição termina em 26 de Abril de 2005: Contribuam!!

We, citizens of Europe, demand that the governments of all European countries and the European Union:
· stop and/or prevent the construction of new nuclear power plants and facilities in the European Union,
· launch a plan to abandon nuclear power within the European Union,
· invest massively in energy efficiency and the development of renewable sources,
· repeal the Euratom Treaty which massively supports nuclear power in Europe by means of public funding.
Only these measures will make it possible to fight against nuclear danger and global warming simultaneously

Signatures will be collected during a one-year period, from April 26, 2004 until April 26, 2005 and will be published on these web-sites;


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