Einsturzende Neubauten- Blume

Einsturzende Neubauten- Blume

Einsturzende têm este colorido sonoro espectacular que os torna encantadores!!! O teledisco é excelente!

Chrysantemum For you I am a chrysantemum
Supernova, urgent star

Astera Compositae For you I'll be a dandelion
A thousand flowerettes in the sky
Or just a drop in the ocean

If you know my name
don't speak it out
it holds a power - as before

Liliacea A lily of the valley
a flower of saron

Helianthus annus For you I even be a sunflower
Do you hear my enlightening laughter?
another reason to cut off an ear

You know my name, do you not?
don't say it
For it is sacred, immovable - frozen

Rosa, Anemone et Nymphea alba I'll even be a waterlily,
a marygold, a rose
or a little thistle

Euphorbia a blue dahlia, a black tulip
that's where opinions differ
the scholars disagree

My name, should you know it
remains unspeakable
and is spoken - malediction

[Last line in Libanese]


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