Documentário da semana: Monsanto - Patent For a Pig (2006)

Documentário da semana: Monsanto - Patent For a Pig (2006)

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(texto em Inglês) From corruption charges to environmental disruptions, the Monsanto Corporation now makes its way into another documentary film. This time not because of the aforementioned cases, but their huge business plan that aims to tighten their iron-clad control over the food consumption of the masses. The documentary film titled Patent For A Pig: The Big Business of Genetics explains how Monsanto has applied for patents in over 160 nations to breed pigs. This elaborate business plan includes patent over a specific genetic code that Monsanto researchers have decoded and the approval of these patents would then establish Monsanto as the sole breeder of these pigs. Much to the ire of the farmers, who have objected and protested against this as they believe that Monsanto is laying claim to something that has always been there. Jeopardizing their livelihoods, Monsanto continues with the process, and Patent For A Pig: The Big Business of Genetics documentary film covers the views and reaction of the people towards it. Monsanto wishes to obtain their patent over this particular genetic make-up as they believe it triggers bigger flesh growth in the animals. However, to farmers like Kristoff Zimmer, these pigs belong to the farming community and the entire society, but not just to one corporation. It is speculated that Monsanto would further impose fees on the breeding of these animals, in the event of the approval of the patent. Patenting living organisms may be legal in the US, but in the rest of the world, it is often wondered whether a life form should be subjected to something as vain as patenting – it is indeed debatable. Patent For A Pig: The Big Business of Genetics documentary film asks a straightforward question regarding the practicality of Monsanto’s claims over these pigs and analyses the repercussions it will have on the farming community all over the world. Furthermore, their existing reputation also fuels speculation and doubts that force us all to question whether or not it is safe to give so much control to an organization that has been known for profiteering and adopting dubious practices.


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