Convenant - Bullet

Convenant - Bullet

Technology is the undoing of the human species.Tthis article sounds like a bad sci-fi dream, but this is really happening from what I can see. Top Transhumanism CEO Says AI Singularity Will Go "Very Badly For Humans" (thx Gordon Sturrock)

Podem ainda não estar a ver as coisas à superfície, mas por baixo já está tudo a arder~ Y.B. Mangunwjaya, 1998


- Gordon Brown Nada Optimista!
Quando estamos a escassas semanas da reunião de Copenhaga, é perturbador saber que Gordon Brown (Primeiro-Ministro da Grã-Bretanha) considera que o futuro acordo climático global está em grande perigo dada a lentidão com que as conversações se...

- Macaco: Moving, Premiado Pelo National Geographic- One Move For Just One Dream
Moving, all the people moving, one move for just one dream We see moving, all the people moving, one move for just one dream Tiempos de pequeños movimientos...movimientos en reacción Una gota junto a otra hace oleajes, luago mares...océanos Nunca...

- Sons Da Natureza Grátis- Vejam E Ouçam...
Free Nature SoundsUse this free tool to play nature sounds on headphones while reading or meditating or just for fun. In order for nature sounds to start playing choose a sound from drop-down box for one of the channels and drag the volume slider...

- Einstürzende Neubauten - Stella Maris
I dream that I meet you deep under the deepest place of the Earth, Atlantic trench, seafloor Between Nanga Parbat, K2 and Everest, the roof of the world, there I'll give you a celebration Where I can no longer see forward If you come, I'll...

- Dossiê Física
Sítios EufisicaFisica Net E-Livros  Ciência dos Materiais História da FísicaChronology of Time Measurement Technology Chronology of Temperature and Pressure Measurement Technology Chronology of Low Temperature Technology Chronology of Rocket...

