Cartoon da Semana e porque o mel pode prevenir o cancro

Cartoon da Semana e porque o mel pode prevenir o cancro

Honeybees: Our New Ally In The War On Cancer.Research has revealed another exciting use for the amazing substance called “propolis”—this time in the fight against cancer.
Read more on Honeycolony

Foto: Honeybees: Our New Ally In The War On Cancer.  Research has revealed another exciting use for the amazing substance called “propolis”—this time in the fight against cancer.  Read more on Honeycolony:


- Voce Pode Doar?
INCA PEDE SOCORRO!!! O INCA - Instituto Nacional do Câncer - fica na Praça da Cruz Vermelha - 23, no Centro do Rio). Divulgue esta mensagem para quem você puder, pois a situação do Instituto Nacional do Câncer é realmente dramática....

- PrevenÇÃo
Tão importante quanto a preservação,é a prevenção.Então vamos aproveitar que o mês de outubro começou e junto com ele uma grande campanha de prevenção contra o câncer. E esta campanha atinge homens e mulheres.Antigamente,achavasse que somente...

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Entrevista a Andrew Hessel Tudo sobre este investigador na sua página pessoal [Biografia retirada do seu tuíto] I help people program living things. And fight cancer. Founder at Pink Army Cooperative. Co-Chair, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology at...

- Evolutionary Theory Of Cancer
As Theodosius Dobzhansky famously noted in 1973, “Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution,” and cancer is no exception to this rule.Our understanding of cancer initiation, progression, treatment, and resistance has advanced...

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American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE) Nominated for being embroiled in a fake lobbying scandal against the US Climate Bill and for trying to hide the extent of its lobbying activities Read more about this nominee | vote American Petroleum...

