Bodies in Motion

Bodies in Motion

Laurie Anderson - Bodies In Motion
We embody the spirit of motion.
We're bodies in motion. We're bodies in motion.

We dig down in the ocean. Swing up to the stars.
We own the moon and the earth. We're masters of Mars.
We're bodies in motion. We embody the spirit of motion.

Our ancestors cowered in caves
Afraid if the dark and the thunder.
Wrapped tip in black magic and rage
They were slaves to their hunger.
Now we fly across mountains in planes
We know aII about time and big numbers.
We're bodies in motion.
We embody the spirit of motion.

I love you with aII my heart You have my devotion.
I loved you from the start. We're bodies in motion.
We embody the spirit of motion.

Ooo the weight of the world. Eternal spin.
Puts a dent in my shoulder.
A burn in my spin. A burn in my spin.

Some say the future is crowds fighting for water and space.
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Chaotic and dark and loud, everything used up and taken.

But I say the future's within the still point of the mind
Where we escape the bounds of earth
And break the bonds of time.

If somebody asked me to design a religion
I would make it aIl about snow.
No good or evil and no suffering.
Just perfect crystals spinning
In ecstasy ecstasy ecstasy ecstasy.


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