Blogosfera e Carbono

Blogosfera e Carbono

Brighter Planet's 350 Challenge

Já conhecia a campanha. Agora é mais uma actualização, digamos assim. Refere a organização que já constam mais de 1.600 blogues associados. Por cada blogue, a 350 Challenge garante cerca de 159 kg de carbono em offset. [saber mais sobre carbon offset aqui]

Justificar completamente
After shattering our goal of 350 bloggers in under a month, we decided to keep the 350 Challenge open indefinitely. Now over 1,600 bloggers are participating. To join in, post the badge to your site, let us know, and we'll offset 350 pounds of carbon in your name. That's like flicking off 100 lightbulbs for a day. Or going two full weeks without your car!
Already posted the badge? Great. Why stop there? You can help grow the 350 Challenge—and the climate change movement—by asking your blogger friends and family to join too. There's nothing to lose … and only offsets to gain.!


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