Animais urbanos - partilhando connosco a mesma floresta metropolitana

Animais urbanos - partilhando connosco a mesma floresta metropolitana

Urban Coyote on a Train

Urban Coyotes

Urban Bear Capture

Urban Falcons

Coyotes, black bears and peregrine falcons have been known to set up shop in cities. Bears love dumpster diving, and it sometimes takes as much as rubber bullets and pepper spray to shoo them for good. Coyotes are clever and adaptable and, like raccoons, can often be found lazily patrolling cities and suburbs. Falcons have been found roosting in the skyscrapers of New York, and have been known to scare pedestrians while swooping to catch prey at speeds of up to 200 miles per hour.
Fonte: Weburbanist


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