Alva Noto & Ryuichi Sakamoto - Logic Moon

Alva Noto & Ryuichi Sakamoto - Logic Moon

Imagens do Kews Millennium Seed Bank (MSB) durante a Exposição Banking on Life
Kew Gardens completes seed bank collection of 10% of world's plant species threatened by climate change and human habitat


- Relatório Da Semana: Shutting The Spigot On Private Water: The Case For The World Bank To Divest
SHUTTING_THE_SPIGOT_ON_PRIVATE_WATER_CORPORATEACCOUNTABILITYINTERNATIONAL.PDF"Shutting the Spigot on Private Water" is a landmark report that documents how the World Bank is driving global water privatization at a chilling human cost. With original...

- Ryuichi Sakamoto - Dawn
Um tema que desafia a gravidade. O Planeta Pede a Paz [ver ainda teledisco de R.Sakamoto, com poema de Ducla Soares no BioTerra em 2006] Do album "Comica" 2002. Ryuichi Sakamoto, em japonês 坂本 龍一 Sakamoto Ryuichi (Nakano, 17 de janeiro...

- A Vida Selvagem Está A Responder às Alterações Mais Rápido Do Que Se Pensava
Legenda: "É um bocado assustadora, esta tecnologia sem fios." Plants and animals are responding up to three times faster to climate change than previously estimated, as wildlife shifts to cooler altitudes and latitudes, researchers said on Thursday....

- Relatório Stern- Artigos Posteriores
Fonte:HM Treasury April 2007: The following papers were published in World Economics (Volume 8[1]), and these build upon papers A-C (please see further down). PDF file of Reflections on the Stern Review (1): A robust case for strong action to reduce...

- Talk Origins - Criacionismo Versus Evolução - Charles Darwin
1 . is a Usenet newsgroup devoted to the discussion and debate of biological and physical origins. Most discussions in the newsgroup center on the creation/evolution controversy, but other topics of discussion include the origin of life,...

