

The Unseen Eye is an online open source magazine continually searching for the extraordinary hidden within the ordinary. We have a new interview up concerning the condition of Africa. Cpt. David Fleming spent eight months in South Eastern Africa on an aid mission with the U.S. Army. He has a very concise and detailed description of his experiences there and the interview is open to discussion. Wrinkly Brain Studios has made a lot of changes and is continually evolving. Your participation is helpful to the growth and direction of this website. We are becoming more and more of a global community every day and people are submitting articles from all over the world. Please come and visit us when you can.
Special thanks to:Cpt. David FlemingCaroline LellisDr. Sherrill NilsonJohn Fleming Jeri FlemingValerie Pickett


- Vandana Shiva- Fazer A Paz Com A Terra (making Peace With Earth)
Indian eco-activist Vandana Shiva urges a paradigm shift away from the pervasive short-sighted growth model we see failing all around us, and says that "making peace with the earth" is now a "survival imperative."Vandana Shiva: "You cannot separate...

- Art Warning The World - Video
"Art warning the world" is a global artwork for freedom defense created by the french visual artist Klaus Guingand in collaboration with 201 visual artists living in 200 different countries. "Art warning the world" it's 202 artists, 200 countries,...

- Escolhas Dos Leitores Do Scientific American: Top 10 De 2010
Começam os balanços do ano e as reflexões de uma década que está a terminar. Eu elegi alguns temas: ambiente, ciência e artes, política,sociedade. nesta postagem chamo a atenção para o Top 10 da prestigiada Scientific American.Todos têm possibilidades...

- Na Irlanda, Um Programa De Pedalar Para O Trabalho Registou O Aumento De 125% De Adesões Num Ano
Cycling to work up 125% in a year 22 June 2010 An Irish cycle to work scheme has seen membership increase by 125% in just 12 months. Green Party minister for sustainable transport, Ciaran Cuffe, has welcomed the new statistics showing a large increase...

- Dia Mundial Da Biodiversidade: Biodiversity Heritage Library
About the Biodiversity Heritage Library Ten major natural history museum libraries, botanical libraries, and research institutions have joined to form the Biodiversity Heritage Library Project. The group is developing a strategy and operational plan...

